"Will ye go to Flanders, my Mally-O? And see the chief commanders, my Mally-O? You'll see the bullets fly, And the soldiers how they die, And the ladies loudly cry, my Mally-O" (Trad. ca. 1743)
or if you prefer a more "Rococo" arrangement of "Liliburlero", try this;
Anything by Duffy is worth getting. This book provides a great insight into the 18th C. military mindset. (Click on image for more info.)
The Music of George Frederick Handel
Favorite composer of the Kings of the House of Hanover, some of his most famous works were to celebrate events connected with the War of the Austrian Succession. (Click on image if interested in album)
Excerpt from "Dettingen Te Deum" by George Frederick Handel
A painting guide for my Dutch contingent of the Pragmatic Army
Born in Brighton, England, in 1961 (the same year the Berlin Wall went up). Family emigrated to Vancouver, Canada in 1962 (the same month as the Cuban Missile Crisis). I came to Japan in 1992 (the year it was revealed that Dan Quayle couldn't spell "potato").
I've lived here ever since.